How to remove comments of *c* programming language using javascript and php with Regex?
Table of contents
Regex is a language where used to validate the syntax of particular match of characters and text using patterns.
JavaScript is a scripting language used as part of frontend functionality.
php is langauge used as backend server scripting language.
the code before formatting
* C Program to Detect the Cycle in a Linked List
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* structure for node / */
struct node
int num;
struct node *next;
void create(struct node **);
void makecycle(struct node **);
void release(struct node **);
int detectcycle(struct node *);
* main program */
int main()
struct node *p = NULL;
int result;
printf("Enter data into the list\n");
makecycle(&p); //comment it to avoid cycle creation
printf("Identifying if a cycle exists.\n");
result = detectcycle(p);
if (result)
printf("Cycle detected in the linked list.\n");
printf("No cycle detected in the linked list.\n");
release (&p);
return 0;
/ Make cycles */
void makecycle(struct node **p)
struct node *rear, *front;
int n, count = 0, i;
front = rear = *p;
while (rear->next != NULL)
rear = rear->next;
if (count)
n = rand() % count;
n = 1;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
front = front->next;
rear->next = front;
/*At this point a cycle is generated in the list*/
/* Detect cycle **
int detectcycle(struct node *head)
int flag = 1, count = 1, i;
struct node *p, *q;
p = q = head;
q = q->next;
while (1)
q = q->next;
if (flag)
p = p->next;
if (q == p)
/*Deleting the loop to deallocate the list*/
q = q->next;
while (q != p)
q = q->next;
q = p = head;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
q = q->next;
while (p != q)
p = p->next;
q = q->next;
q->next = NULL;
return 1;
else if (q->next == NULL)
return 0;
flag = !flag;
/* Creat the linked list
void create(struct node **head)
int c, ch;
struct node *temp, *rear;
printf("Enter number: ");
scanf("%d", &c);
temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
temp->num = c;
temp->next = NULL;
if (*head == NULL)
*head = temp;
rear->next = temp;
rear = temp;
printf("Do you wish to continue [1/0]: ");
scanf("%d", &ch);
} while (ch != 0);
// Free the memory spae of the list
void release(struct node **head)
struct node *temp = *head;
temp = temp->next;
while ((*head) != NULL)
temp = *head;
(*head) = (*head)->next;
php code
// proper comments
$singleComment = "/(?:^|\s)\/\/(.+?)$/sm";// remove proper single line comments
$multilineComments = "/\/\*[^\/]+\*\//sm" ; // remove porper multiline comments
$patterns = array(
// the code snippets where error has to be present
$no_end_slash = "/\/\*[\w\s]+\*{2}/s"; // remove comments ended with **
$text = "/\/\*(\s\w+)*/s"; // remove single line comment unended with * or /
$endRemover = "/\s\*{0,2}\//s"; // remove comment end statement with space **/
$multiComment = "/\/[^\/]+\*\//sm";
$errors = array(
// read the input/output file name in the present directory from user cmd line
$inputFileName = readLine("Enter a input file name:\t");
$outputFileName = readLine("Enter a output file name:\t");
$inputFileSize = filesize($inputFileName);
$fileContent = file_get_contents($inputFileName);
foreach ($patterns as $pattern => $replacement) {
$fileContent = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $fileContent);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($errors); $i++) {
preg_match_all($errors[$i], $fileContent, $matches);
echo "Errors matching Pattern " . ($i + 1) . ":\n";
// Iterate over the matches and echo them
foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
echo $match . "\n";
javascript code
const fs = require('fs');
// install prompt package using node
// node install prompt-sync
const prompt = require('prompt-sync')();
// field to take input
var inputFileName = prompt("Enter input file name in the present directory:\t");
var oututFileName = prompt("Enter output file name with extension:\t");
// Find invalid comments
function findInvalidComments(code, regexes) {
const invalidComments = [];
regexes.forEach(regex => {
const matches = code.match(regex) || [];
matches.forEach(comment => {
code = code.replace(regex, '')
return invalidComments;
function RemoveComments(code) {
const singleComment = /(?:^|\s)\/\/(.+?)$/gsm // remove proper single line comments
const multilineComments = /\/\*[^\/]+\*\//gsm// remove porper multiline comments
// replacing comments with blank
code = code.replace(singleComment, '')
code = code.replace(multilineComments, '');
return code
// read file with the content
fs.readFile(inputFileName, 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
// clean the code
const cleanedCode = RemoveComments(data);
const multilineComments = /\/[^\/]+\*\//gsm // remove imporper multiline comments
const no_end_slash = /\/\*[\w\s]+\*{2}/gsm // remove comments ended with **
const text = /\/\*(\s\w+)*/gsm // remove single line comment unended with * or /
const endRemover = /\s\*{0,2}\//gsm // remove comment end statement with space **/
// invalid comment test
const regexes = [multilineComments, no_end_slash, text, endRemover];
const invalidComments = findInvalidComments(cleanedCode, regexes);
// Report invalid comments
if (invalidComments.length > 0) {
console.log("Invalid comments found:");
invalidComments.forEach(comment => {
} else {
console.log("No invalid comments found.");
// write the clean code to the file
fs.writeFile(oututFileName, cleanedCode, 'utf8', err => {
if (err) {
console.error('Error writing to file:', err);
console.log('File updated successfully.');
At the end of run of program you will see that the comments from the c code both valid and invalid are removed.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int num;
struct node *next;
void create(struct node **);
void makecycle(struct node **);
void release(struct node **);
int detectcycle(struct node *);
int main()
struct node *p = NULL;
int result;
printf("Enter data into the list\n");
printf("Identifying if a cycle exists.\n");
result = detectcycle(p);
if (result)
printf("Cycle detected in the linked list.\n");
printf("No cycle detected in the linked list.\n");
release (&p);
return 0;
void makecycle(struct node **p)
struct node *rear, *front;
int n, count = 0, i;
front = rear = *p;
while (rear->next != NULL)
rear = rear->next;
if (count)
n = rand() % count;
n = 1;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
front = front->next;
rear->next = front;
int detectcycle(struct node *head)
int flag = 1, count = 1, i;
struct node *p, *q;
p = q = head;
q = q->next;
while (1)
q = q->next;
if (flag)
p = p->next;
if (q == p)
q = q->next;
while (q != p)
q = q->next;
q = p = head;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
q = q->next;
while (p != q)
p = p->next;
q = q->next;
q->next = NULL;
return 1;
else if (q->next == NULL)
return 0;
flag = !flag;
void create(struct node **head)
int c, ch;
struct node *temp, *rear;
printf("Enter number: ");
scanf("%d", &c);
temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
temp->num = c;
temp->next = NULL;
if (*head == NULL)
*head = temp;
rear->next = temp;
rear = temp;
printf("Do you wish to continue [1/0]: ");
scanf("%d", &ch);
} while (ch != 0);
void release(struct node **head)
struct node *temp = *head;
temp = temp->next;
while ((*head) != NULL)
temp = *head;
(*head) = (*head)->next;